3 Ways Fitness Can Increase Productivity

  1. Energy: The first way that exercise increases productivity is through increased energy and alertness. When you exercise, you incase blood flow to the brain. This helps increase alertness and gives you more energy. Having more energy means you will feel more awake at work. Being on top of your game will assure that you perform your work correctly and to the best of your ability. If you don’t have time to put in a full cardio workout each day, make small changes to meet your daily goals, such as walking during your lunch period or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 
  2. Mental/Emotional Health: One way to be more productive is to have improved mental health. Regular exercise can help curb feelings of anxiety and depression. When you exercise, your brain releases serotonin that helps you feel better and improves your state of mind, making the stresses of work easier to handle. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that sends messages to the body to stimulate mood and emotion, according to the University of Cambridge. Regular exercise may also help you better deal with stress. When you are able to deal with stress constructively, it can lead to improved relationships with those around you which can lead to better teamwork in the workplace. 
  3. Immune System Boost: Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of illness and disease. This means fewer sick days. With an improved immunity, you minimize your chances for getting common illnesses such as the flu or cold. Exercise reduces your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension and heart disease – all of which can interfere with productivity.

If you are looking to get into exercising and want to try out different programs to see what suits your needs join my fitness on demand group here! You can stream hundreds of workouts from your home requiring little to no exercise equipment and are suitable for everyone! If you’re interested click here and get a 30-day free trial!